After reading The Next Evolution: a Blueprint for Transforming the Planet, many of the people who have caught the vision that this model could transform the world have contacted me and are ready and willing to take action. To that end, the Community Planet Foundation is starting to compile a list of those people. As stated in the “Community Clusters” chapter, it would just take one cluster of these Highest Good For All Communities to start the transformation of the planet. When we get the first 300 to 500 people who are committed to doing this, we will create a conference where we can come together and start the process.

I think that those of us who would like to transform the planet would agree that we need a new paradigm. But, with the challenges facing our planet, especially the environmental imbalances, we no longer have the luxury of acting out of againstness towards the government and towards the money/power brokers. Also, with the Systems Theory telling us that all things are interconnected, we cannot really change what must be changed by simply rallying against one or a couple of issues. There are so many challenges and problems the planet faces that we would use up all our time and energy being against this or that, and still the planet will have moved a little closer to ecological disaster. Do I support what those crusaders, who go against the status quo by seeking to expose the harm being done to our planet? Yes, I do, because they are getting some truth out there. Do I want to get involved with my time and energy? No, because againstness will not produce the new paradigm that is needed, and our form of government will never operate on the level of the Highest Good For All Life.

The new paradigm can only be created by a group of people who absolutely hold the consciousness of the Highest Good For All and have the vision to bring that into manifestation. People need to see that there is another way, that we don’t have to continue doing the separation that has bred this everyone-for-themselves approach that has been in place unquestioned for thousands of years. People need to see a Community of people who adopt a way of living together and relating together in Community on the principle of the Highest Good. When people see the quality of life and the ecological balance that is possible, they will also want to learn the consciousness and the form it takes to do that, and this is what will ultimately transform the planet.

I have a saying: “The solution for everything is the solution to anything.” Virtually every challenge that one can think of can be resolved by the creation of worldwide Communities such as has been described in The Next Evolution. Also, one of our leading futurists, my friend Barbara Marx Hubbard, once asked me how much it would take to create the first Community. I responded with a dollar figure, but later I realized that the answer was really that it would take just one person. One person with the resources and the vision could help us create this, and there are many good people out there who have the resources and are looking at what they can do to help humanity out of the mess we’re in. Who knows, maybe you will be the one who gets this vision to them.

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