Living in Interesting Times

There is an old Chinese curse: “May you live in interesting times”. Well, it looks like we’re here, and, regardless of all the various and contradictory theories, the bottom line of what each of us can do is to keep a healthy immune system, stay out of fear and stress, and stay in our Loving for it all, Living here in Santa Barbara, things have been closed down for awhile. However, in seeing the closed businesses and empty streets, my mind goes to imaging what it could look like if we shifted out of this everyone-for-themselves (E-F-T) paradigm with money as the medium of exchange into creating a world that works for everyone with cooperation as the exchange medium. In a cooperative world we could eliminate 85% of the current jobs because those jobs only exist because of our E-F-T culture. Along with that, for many things that we do need, automation and AI can produce a lot of what we need with little effort. Even in our current wasteful paradigm, the inevitable automation is slated to replace 45% of current jobs — hashtag: humans need not apply.
While politicians keep saying that we need to create more jobs, that’s only true within our broken E-F-T system that is using up the planet’s resources so quickly that this current pandemic crisis pales in comparison to that reality. The current thinking for governments, corporations and mainstream media is economy first and the environment a distant second. With the current economic, political, and social systems broken beyond repair, what continues to be needed is for people to see that there is an alternative model that not only can show how life can be much more abundant on all levels — healthier, happier, and with more access to almost anything one would want to do — but could also transform the planet to create a world that works for everyone. Our partners at One Community have the design piece now almost completed, and Community Planet accompanies that with the consciousness, decision-making, and organization components. When we get that first large scale Community going, people all over the world will be able to see how there is a better way of living, with more free time for both self actualization and working to restore the planet, and the replication of that model will lead to a New Age.
Meanwhile, keep spreading the vision to others and checking out One Community’s progress. Also, at some point Community Planet would Love to do a train the trainer Consensus training so that we can spread this consciousness of the Highest Good For All. We’ll keep you posted.