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Description of Training
Format and Pricing
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Interest in Training
The consensus training is composed of two parts (approximately 20 hrs each), which can be
taken together, or taken separately at different times.
taken together, or taken separately at different times.
The first half of the training, “The Consciousness of Consensus: Coming Into Cooperation and Collaboration”, deals with skills and attitudes that contribute to the consensus process and reorients participants from the societal norm of competitiveness to a spirit of partnership. Communication in the competitive model often seeks to control, manipulate, shame or blame people into doing what we want. In our consensus model, we work with communication skills that express needs and perspectives in a way that takes ownership for a person’s point of view and seeks to co-create solutions with others. In addition we look at attitudes and qualities that enhance collaboration, as well as exploring differences in communication styles that can lead to separation and misunderstandings.
The second half of the training, “Consensus Practicum: Leadership for a New Age,” applies the learnings from part one in simulated and real group consensus exercises. Meeting skills, group roles, the sequence of the consensus process, team-building group challenges and other group process skills are covered and re-enforced in a “stop and teach” approach as the group interacts.

Consensus Training Champenoux, France
Santa Barbara Area Trainings
Two part training:
The two-part training can be done in either 5 consecutive days or two consecutive weekends (Friday,Saturday, Sunday—40 training hours). It is done with a group of 8-12 people, or can be done with two groups of 7-12 each.
The five consecutive day training can be held in retreat and the cost of the retreat facility is split among the participants. The 5-day format in retreat works especially well for out of town participants or for an existing group that wants to learn consensus skills with each other.
The cost of the training is $600 each ($100 deposit each to hold a space. Deposit refundable if the training does not enroll the necessary # of participants). Full payment is due 30 days prior to the start of a training.
After registrations for a core of 8 people is reached, any participant can register a partner or friend for an additional $300 (both people for $900).
Part I only (Consciousness of Consensus) Option:
Part 1 can be taken by itself or participants can choose to complete Part 2 by joining the second weekend of a two-part training at another time. The format for this is 2 1/2 days, (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) and is done with a group of 8-24 people.
The cost of the training is $350 each ($100 deposit each to hold a space) After registrations for a core of 8 people is reached, any participant can register a partner or friend for an additional $150 (both people for $500).
Out of Town Trainings
Outside of SoCal currently only the two-part trainings are being scheduled. However, if someone generously donates the funding to start the Community, we will do any format in a location of choice and donate the training.
The cost is $600/person for the 5 consecutive days option and $700 for the two weekends option (minimum $100 deposit each to hold a space. Deposit is refundable if the training does not have the necessary # of participants). Full payment due 40 days prior to the start of a training.
After registrations for a core of 8 people is reached, any participant can register a partner or friend for $350.
A logistics coordinator (setting up the venue, securing a place for facilitators to stay etc.) is necessary to hold a training outside of Santa Barbara, CA, and whoever takes on that role can participate at half price ($300). Facilitator’s travel and lodging outside of Santa Barbara area is extra and varies based on location. Call for details.
Click here to fill out a form to indicate your interest in a consensus training and help create a training in your area. Click the link at the bottom of the that form to make a deposit in order to hold a space in the trainings locations you indicate.