30 Dec



Until we start applying some logic into ecological to resolve the world’s interconnected crises, we’ll never be able to remove the stain in sustainable. That stain is the legacy of the everyone-for-themselves system that has been in place unquestioned for thousands of years and is at the core of the environmental dilemma.
We need to realize that the everyone-for-themselves socio-economic-political paradigm is a broken system that is not only exceedingly wasteful and absurdly inefficient, but has also done much harm not only to nature but also to the quality of life for humans.
It seems like the Green Movement is dedicating itself to just creating Band-Aids for a broken system. If we replaced the everyone-for-themselves system with one based of the Highest Good For All Life, we could do a universe more for ecology than what we’re doing now by trying to green the current system, and we could do this by investing in a Highest Good model just one one-millionth of the resources currently being spent on the Band-Aid approach.
The way we live together and relate together in Community is the basic building block needed to change the planet. Help us manifest a Community model based on the Highest Good For All that can transform our world. Let’s put the logic into ecological.