Here is a great way to get involved right now. Our partners at One Community share Community Planet’s mission to create a world that works for everyone and for all life on the planet. Over the years many people who share our vision of how to do that have contacted us and asked how to get involved right now. Happily we have found a partner in One Community, which shares both our mission to transform the planet and our method of doing that through creating BioHarmoniousEcoTechnological Communities based on the Highest Good For All.
One Community already has a specific square mile of land identified, and is designing the Community while they also work on acquiring the land. Their open source website is amazing and so expansive that one could literally spend weeks there.
Here are some links to get you started:
This two and a half minute video shows their alignment with Community Planet’s vision.
One Community’s homepage: Note that through One Community’s collaboration with Community Planet that the commitment to the Highest Good For All is incorporated in everything they design.
One Community has weekly meetings over the internet and creates weekly update videos that chronicle the amazing weekly progress. Request here: onecommunityupdates@gmail.com so you can receive these progress report videos.
See their most recent weekly update and scroll down to the video.
Here are ways to get involved and check out becoming part of the team.
Community Planet has provided consensus trainings for members of One Community and they have incorporated some of the information on their site. To get details about the consensus trainings that Community Planet foundation offers click here.