The Next Evolution
A Blueprint for Transforming the Planet
The Next Evolution
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Jack Reed is a man who genuinely cares about the planet—as a whole, not just the separate aspects of it. He has the courage to stand up and say what is becoming increasingly obvious yet is industriously being ignored: that our planet is in serious trouble, we are the cause of it, and we can fix it.He has spent over four decades studying, examining, considering and experimenting with ways to make this planet a better place, not just for the powerful few, but for everyone.
Jack’s studies have taken him far beyond the theoretical; for fifteen years he lived in an urban cooperative community, where he took on various aspects of the active leadership. With this hands-on experience, he, as part of the visionary Community Planet group, developed a concept of Community that is generations apart from the commonly accepted process where individual power so often drives the outcomes.
To support the evolved Community, Jack established, tested, and refined a consensus process that is practical and actually produces outcomes that are for the “Highest Good” of all concerned. He has taken that process on the road, nationally and internationally, in the form of classes and workshops, and for a number of years has been consulting with corporations and non-profit organizations in the area of team building.
In order to give people a direct experience of cooperative living, Jack designed and implemented a class in consensus decision-making, which he has facilitated in a variety of settings. Finally, he co-founded the Community Planet Foundation, a non-profit organization whose purpose is the creation and demonstration of planned cooperative communities that will enable people to live in greater harmony with themselves, each other, and their environments. The vision of CPF was established in their 45 page Community description document which provided the foundation for Jack’s book, The Next Evolution.
Among his clients are The Educare Foundation, True North Leadership, The Wilderness Institute, The University of Southern California, Loyola-Mary mount University, California State University at Northridge, California State Dept. of Rehabilitation, The Peace Theological Seminary, The Institute of Individual and World Peace, The Los Angeles Unified School District, and Amgen.
Jack is truly a visionary who sees the world as an interconnected whole. His first book, The Next Evolution: A Blueprint For Transforming The Planet is a practical manual for creating Community and saving this planet, our home.